Art. 3 National football agent regulation - FIFA Football Agent Regulation - 

1. Member associations shall implement and enforce national football agent regulations by 30 September 2023.

2. The national football agent regulations govern the occupation of Football Agents within the territory under the jurisdiction of the relevant member associations and apply to all Representation Agreements that do not have an international dimension. The national football agent regulations must be consistent with these Regulations. In particular, they shall:

a) incorporate articles 11 to 21 of these Regulations by reference;

b) incorporate references to any mandatory element of national law;

c) provide jurisdiction to a national-level body for the determination of any disputes, as established in these Regulations; and

d) provide jurisdiction to a national-level body to take disciplinary measures, as established in these Regulations.

3. Member associations may introduce in their national football agent regulations stricter measures than those stipulated in articles 11 to 21 of these Regulations. They may also deviate from those provisions where they conflict with stricter mandatory provisions of the law applicable in the territory of the member association.

4. Upon request, member associations must provide FIFA with a copy of their national football agent regulations for review.